Art for me is a self-expression, a positive release. It keeps my hands busy and allows me tell a story. Art is an adventure and a way to show how people with different abilities have a strong voice. I may be different but I am me. I don’t like to see the world black and white but full of colours and individuals.
I’m a little bit off leash and think a little bit off leash. What I mean is, I don’t try to control my art too much so it’s not too cookie cutter. I want my art to reflect who I am and my creativity.
I do lots of different kinds of art, sculpture, painting, drawing, textiles and mixed media.
I like to use markers, paint, clay, computer media, recycled material (up-cycling), duct tape and paper, textiles….anything I can get my hands on! I’m not a picky eater when it comes to art
I roll with it when it comes to the subject matter of my art too. When I see something that speaks to me and it grabs me I get into it and dive whole heartedly in. It’s like swimming. I get so involved that I’m swimming in the subject, in my work.
I’m inspired by what is around me, nature, animals and what I see on TV. The artists that inspire me are Dale Roberts, Renoir, Monet and whimsical art like Sheila Norgate and Keith Harring.
Sometimes I let the materials speak to me. I may start making one thing and then it turns into another like when I was making a pillow and then it turned into a dog!
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