to look at photos of some of the beautiful projects click here

The Garth Homer Society is invited to participate in “HeArts Together”, a community art project coordinated by the Municipality of Saanich.
A Bit About the Project:
“HeArts Together” is a collaborative art project that responds to the COVID-19 pandemic by inviting the community to come together creatively and connect while remaining apart and at home. It utilizes hearts as a touchstone that has come to symbolize the pandemic and the health and safety of our community as a whole, expressing gratitude to healthcare and essential workers as well as personal caring for loved ones and neighbours.
Both clients and staff are welcome to participate in this project. Your completed heart will become part of a large assembly of hearts and messages from the community in an outdoor and indoor public display in various locations (TBA) in the district of Saanich, including The Garth Homer Society and Saanich Municipal Hall for a duration of 1 year.
• To build a sense of community, well-being and belonging.
• To provide an outlet for self-expression and creativity.
• To provide opportunity to share personal expression and hope with others.
• To build a physical legacy of the COVID-19 experience for the community as a whole throughout the pandemic duration of the next 1-2 years and into the future.
Outdoor Hearts: Created from cedarwood that are provided by Saanich. Participants will create individual designs and messages (optional) on the hearts with materials provided by their individual programs. Completed hearts can be dropped off at reception at Garth Homer. Each outdoor heart will be coated with acrylic protector to ensure outdoor longevity.
Each wooden heart kit from Saanich arrives in a small box (as pictured) with a card for the client to share messages of hope and support (optional).
Indoor Hearts: Created from the imagination of the client and materials of their own choosing. Completed hearts can be dropped off at reception at Garth Homer.
Instructions for participating:
1. Choose which type of heart you would like to make and email Alison ( the number of wooden hearts you need by July 3, 2020. You can make as many mixed media hearts as you like!
2. Pick up wooden hearts from reception in Garth Homer when you receive a notification of them being ready.
3. Complete your masterpieces and return to reception at Garth Homer the first week of August (August 4 – 7). Please email Alison when you are planning to drop off the work and someone can meet you at the front desk.
Important Notes:
It is recommended to photograph the process and finished hearts prior to submitting them as the hearts are being created solely for display and may not be returned.
Each participant will receive a heart pin or pendant as a thank you for sharing your heart! Please let Alison know your preference between pins or pendants for your clients.
With the exception of the wooden hearts, all art materials are provided by individual programs.